What is Nebo?

Optimal portfolios seek to minimize the risk of not having what you need, when you need it.

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Portfolio construction is at the heart of Nebo

Portfolio construction is at the heart of Nebo

Nebo incorporates term structure of expected returns.
Nebo tells you how much volatility you need to bear to minimize shortfall risk.

Nebo integrates with financial planning tools

Nebo integrates with financial planning tools

Nebo picks up where financial planning tools leave off by determining the return required to achieve the client’s goals.
Next-gen Monte Carlo simulations account for mean reversion.
Personalized glidepaths are not a prescription for future portfolios. They are a device to assess long term viability of the Battle Plan.

Nebo has extensive customized model building capabilities

Nebo has extensive customized model building capabilities

Nebo builds multi-level models, from asset class level down to security level.

Models reflect advisory firm’s investment philosophy and implementation.

Nebo is open architecture, both for implementation and market views.

CIO/PM dashboard contains market views for each building block

CIO/PM dashboard contains market views for each building block

Views have five components  

  1. Current expected return
  2. Long term expected return
  3. Volatility
  4. Correlation to stocks
  5. Correlation to bonds

Views are open architecture

GMO views are available, but not required.
CIO/PM can use GMO views, third parties, their own, or any combination.

Target portfolios – with multi-level structure – are sent directly to rebalancer

Target portfolios – with multi-level structure – are sent directly to rebalancer

Nebo integrates with Orion Eclipse via API
    Clicking “Yes” sends target weights into Eclipse

Nebo’s model building capabilities are compatible with any multi-level model structure.

We are currently building integrations into other rebalancers, including Smartleaf, iRebal, Morningstar, and Black Diamond.

Build better portfolios

Nebo is a custom asset management platform that helps you build better portfolios. The key insight is to redefine risk – not as volatility – but as "not having what you need, when you need it."

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