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Welcome to Nebo's Insights Page, your destination for gaining valuable insights into what is means to be a Nebo advisor. Explore the latest trends, expert opinions, and engaging content that shed light on how Nebo is reshaping the industry. Join us on this journey as we help advisors create personalized portfolios that align with their client's financial goals.
Don't miss our "Greatest Hits" section, a trilogy of White Papers about Investing for Retirement.
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Nebo Insights are a collection of whitepapers, webinar recordings, and use case videos that help you understand where Nebo came from and how Nebo works.
These insights focus on product-related topics, such as how to use Nebo's many features, how and why these features were developed, and how Nebo’s features can become part of your RIA tech-stack daily workflow.
These insights focus on fleshing out and expanding on the decades of deep research that sits at the foundation of Neb, explaining in detail the theory that power our most powerful insight: defining risk – not as volatility – but as ‘not having what you need when you need it.’
These insights focus on how psychological influences can affect clients and advisors, how people make financial decisions, their attitudes toward money, and how these factors influence their spending and investment habits— An all-encompassing view on behavioral finance topics range from mental accounting to anchoring to present bias, framing, and nudging.
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